Tuning In to Your Inner Guidance with Katherine Peloso Smith

Karen Walker Cohn (The KLW Project Group) (00:07)
If this is your first time to coming back to love the podcast, welcome. We're so glad you found us. If you're a regular listener, welcome back. Either way, you're not here by accident.

I'm your host, Karen Walker Cohn a wife, a mom, entrepreneur, friend, and dreamer who is ready to step into more of who I am created to be. I am committed to personal transformation for global impact. Now, this podcast may be very different from others. Our guests don't come with a topic or agenda. They come open and ready to receive and deliver the message that's meant for you.

You will also notice our podcast is not overly produced. This is on purpose. Our hope is we will inspire you to step into who you're created to be, regardless of how it may look. Take inspired action on that book, business, relationship, and yes, podcast or whatever it is on your heart. In my experience, my mess usually ends up being my message. I encourage you to approach our time today with a beginner's mindset.

and with openness to receive what is meant for you.

Karen Walker Cohn (01:25)
Welcome to episode 16 of our podcast where we are going to delve into the transformative topic of tuning in to your inner guidance.

Our guest today is Katherine Peloso -Smith. She's a spiritual coach, intuitive soul guide, healer, educator, speaker, and homeschooling mama dedicated to empowering women on their journeys of activating and awakening their inner power. Katherine has crafted a groundbreaking approach known as mind -body -spirit method, which integrates energy medicine healing,

spiritual life coaching, holistic nutrition, innate intuition, and spiritual connection.

Through her courses, programs, and one -to -one coaching, she provides her clients with profound guidance tailored to their soul's path, enabling them to live in alignment with their highest good.

With a mission to lead by example, Katherine embodies the essence of living an intuitive lifestyle.

demonstrating that it is possible to manifest the life of your dreams by tuning into, trusting, and following your intuition.

Katherine tagged me in one of her Instagram posts. She saw one of my reels commenting on the many posts I was seeing where some very prominent coaches have used the phrase, no one is coming to save you. I made a somewhat controversial statement when I said, what? People are coming to save you all the time.

This perspective resonated deeply with Katherine and she chose to do a podcast about it. I listened and reached out to immediately discuss more and invite her on. Have you ever met someone where you just connected right away, where you knew there was something special about each other? This was one of those moments and Katherine is one of those people.

If you haven't already figured this out from my other podcast episodes, I may not agree with everything my guests believe, and that's exactly why I invite them on. This podcast is about shifting perspectives and listening to understand what other perspectives people have without judgment, without

Now grab your favorite beverage in your CBTL mug and you're coming back to love journal.

Every purchase you make goes to support this podcast, bringing you more amazing people and resources. Visit my website at karenwalkercohn .com and make your purchase today. Thank you so much in advance. Now here's my new friend, Katherine Peloso -Smith.

Karen Walker Cohn (04:37)
Katherine when you hear the title of this podcast, Coming Back to Love, Inspiring Stories on Shifting Perspectives, what story or experience from your life comes to mind?

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (04:52)
I love this question first off. There's so many things that I could touch on around this, but honestly for me, coming back to love was a journey back to love for myself. That was sort of, even in just the past five years, this realization that I can create love. I can generate love because I am love.

was like this massive awakening for me because I grew up in this sense that love is outside of me, that I have to feel love from other people in order to feel love. And coming into this knowing now, this just this knowing that I am love was the whole return back to myself. And through doing that,

It built self-worth, it built confidence and love for other people, which was what I never really realized would happen. So coming back to myself, coming back to the love for myself actually opened up this huge window of connection and love with community, with my husband, with my kids. And like, it just was this ripple effect. So when I first saw the name of your podcast, I was like,

Yes, that means so much for me, so much. Yeah, and just knowing that I am love and that we're all love and we can access that so easily and we don't have to reach to the outside to receive it or know what it feels like.

Karen Walker Cohn (06:30)

Yeah. Well, you said it so beautifully and for me, I mean, that's why I asked this question of everyone because everyone's coming back to love moments are different in every moment of life. And yours, what you just said is the exact reason that the podcast is named that. So yeah, is the exact. So I was in the same boat.

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (07:05)
Oh, that's so sad.

Karen Walker Cohn (07:08)
looking, reaching outside of me for everything, not just love, but for everything. I think in an effort to be loved or in an effort to feel worthy of love, all the things reaching on the outside of me all the time and even from the perspective of, I call it God, Source, Universe, to me that's all the same. It's that energy, just that love energy.

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (07:13)

Karen Walker Cohn (07:38)
And since I am created in love, I am love. That's the same thing. And so how, when you say, when I say coming back to love, it's like, it is, it's a coming back to myself because I am love. And what does that mean for me? So I'm not reaching outside of myself for God. Like that was a...

That was a big thing for me too spiritually. I was like, man, I had no, you know, here he's like, it's living on the inside of me. This energy, this spirit, this love is on the inside of me. And I just don't realize the level of power that I hold.

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (08:28)
Mm-hmm. That's huge. That, honestly, I mean, I can get into it right now, but I grew up in the Catholic religion. So, you know, we went to church every Sunday. My dad grew up Catholic. My mom actually converted to Catholicism when she married my dad. And for me, it was always this thing like, why? Like, why are we going to church? Why are we doing this? Why are we praising something?

Karen Walker Cohn (08:34)

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (08:57)
that's almighty, larger than us. I didn't understand as a child and I never got that clear answer. It was always because we're supposed to, like because we do, because this is what life is about. I was like, that wasn't good enough for me. I'm like this questioning child that's always like, why do I do the things that I do? There needs to be a reason behind it. I need to understand it. I have to be behind it 100%. I have to believe in it.

And then so, you know, I go through my teenage years, very like anti-religion, very pulled away, not going to church, not into it, because of several reasons of not really aligning with a lot of the systems and things that were happening in the church. And this is all my personal experience. And then it came a time in my twenties where it was like dark days, very, very dark days. I went through a lot.

of trauma, of just feeling really lost. Like I don't know who I am. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know what I'm supposed to be here. And really through that whole experience, I would say it was probably the course of 10 years or so of really coming back to this sense of the love that I spoke about. And...

figuring out that this connection with God, with source, with spirit, is something that doesn't necessarily need to be what I thought or grew up expecting it to be. And so creating this brand new connection with God was such an empowering experience. It was enlightening, but just like you said, that inner power that came back to

Karen Walker Cohn (10:37)

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (10:55)
My power is not outside of myself. I am not giving up who I am and everything I believe to some higher being. It is me and I have access to that and we are co-creating together my life. And when I got that power back, it changed everything. Absolutely everything.

Karen Walker Cohn (10:56)



Mm hmm. Yeah.

Yeah, absolutely. It is coming to alignment with something that's already there. Yeah, so beautiful. And I was raised very, well, I mean, like I went to a Catholic school, and so I went through all the sacraments, all the things. So I was raised Catholic in that way. And then on the weekends, I had family that are pastors, Pentecostal pastors.

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (11:22)
Yeah, 100%.

Karen Walker Cohn (11:45)
And because I wanted to be with my family and my cousins, and on the weekends, I would go to church. So there was like youth Friday, Sunday, you know, morning and evening service, sometimes even Wednesday nights we would go. And then during the week, I was going to Catholic school, learning, you know, you had to be in religion. That's how it is in Canada. And then I'm not sure how it is here in the U.S., but I know in Calgary, you had to take...

religious classes and you had to have all the sacraments and all the kind of things. And your story reminded me of, you know, your questioning and the same. I was, why, why do we have to do this? And so I said, you know what, I am going to, I was in a confessional going to confession and I'm going to ask the priest. And why all these questions? Like I don't understand because I was learning on Sundays that we could go straight to God.

because that's what we learned. And so why do I have to go to you to tell you my sins? Can I go directly to God? And just asking him all these questions about praying to the rosary and stuff like that. And I'm talking and I guess he had come out of the one side of the confessional and came around and opened the curtains and I just, I was so shocked and I was like, and he's like, get out.

And I said, I wasn't, I was like, what? And I think I must've been about 16 at the time, 15, 16. Said, get out. I'm like, okay. So I got out of the confessional and he was so angry with me asking questions and said, you know, like basically you're asking too much questions. Your penance for this is, you know, whatever it was, 10 Hail Marys, all that, like, so he gave me the rosary.

and you don't leave here until it's done. I was like, okay, I guess I broke some rules and I started, you know? I was probably on the third bead when I was like, bump this, that's not like, this whole anger like just came over me. I'm like, what the heck? I can't even ask questions? I'm out. And that was it for me. It doesn't mean that I won't go back to, because I feel like

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (14:08)

Karen Walker Cohn (14:11)
just like this podcast, this is why we have so many different perspectives and belief systems, because the more I learn about Hinduism, Judaism, and whatever the belief system is, the more connected I feel to energy, to source, to God. Like I realize, wow, we're all on this journey together. And in my experience, we are saying,

a lot of the same things and using different words and then calling each other wrong for it. I'm getting closer and closer the more different perspectives I hear to God and the love that's in my heart, the light that I meant to shine, all the things. So I appreciate you sharing that.

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (15:01)
Yeah. Yeah, when you, when you, yeah, I was just gonna say like, when you strip away all of the, the rules and how it needs to be and how it needs to look, it's the same at the, at the foundation of it. And it is love and it is acceptance and it is, you know, love your neighbor the way you're, you know, you would

Karen Walker Cohn (15:19)

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (15:27)
yourself, treat yourself the way you treat other people. It's all the very similar foundation. And I was very similar to that. Like in my twenties, the thing that kind of started this whole reconnection with God actually was through yoga and through Buddhism and going back to, okay, there's this other religion.

that people are following that looks a little bit different. And so I started exploring these different avenues and these different religions and exactly that. I came to this conclusion that they're all similar in their foundation. And what if I just believed in that foundation? What if that was my truth?

And, you know, I love all of these religions, I do. And I believe that everybody has their own belief system and their own truth. And that's part of the foundation is that everybody can speak and believe their truth. And so, yeah, that's kind of, that peace for me was, okay, we're all, we all want the same thing. We all want peace. We all want love. This is what we're going to stand for.

Karen Walker Cohn (16:38)

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (16:41)
Um, but your, your story is very similar to something that happened when I was young too. Um, I was much younger than 16. I was probably, I think it was like the beginning of puberty for me. And I was starting to get like, you know, the emotions, the big emotions and like the frustrations and the feelings that were just like coming over me. And I remember just the way that I grew up, that those feelings for me.

Karen Walker Cohn (17:00)

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (17:12)
weren't allowed in my home. It was like, something's wrong here. You should not be allowed to feel angry or frustrated or contain that, figure it out, deal with it. And so I remember my dad bringing me to the priest at the time. And I remember saying to the priest, I don't know what's wrong with me. I think the devil is taking over me because I can't.

Karen Walker Cohn (17:13)


Katherine Peloso Smith ` (17:38)
I can't control these feelings that I have of anger and frustration. And it was very similar. He was very kind. I was a little bit younger. So he kind of said, the devil's not taking over you. You're gonna be okay. Start praying more. You just need to pray more. Say the Hail Mary, our father, all of those kinds of things. And he was just kind of like, okay, and go on your way. And I remember feeling like,

okay, well, that's not really helping the situation at all. And I don't know what I was expecting to get from him or what my father's expectation was from that. Or like, he was kind of like, here, I don't know how to deal with this. Let's go and talk to the priest about it. And I just remember thinking like, again, why this isn't...

Karen Walker Cohn (18:19)


Katherine Peloso Smith ` (18:30)
this isn't helping my situation. And I still am not allowed to express myself in the way that I'm feeling it. It's very much fix the problem, close it up, don't feel that way and move on. And because you wanna go to heaven, because you don't wanna feel guilty and you don't wanna be quote unquote, wrong or bad or have negative thoughts or negative emotions. And that's kind of...

Karen Walker Cohn (18:41)

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (18:58)
how I was feeling through all of it was, I should not be feeling this way because it's not right, especially in the church, that I should be happy and positive and all of those things. And yeah, that was a big realization that like, this just doesn't make sense to me. Why am I feeling this way?

Karen Walker Cohn (19:08)


Yeah, no, that's good. And when, so now I'm curious, like when did it start to make sense to you? Or maybe that's not the question. Like, what did you do? Like we have listeners and watchers and it's like, okay, they may be feeling exactly how you felt in that moment. Because I've heard people say this even in coaching. Well, I'm saying, take this, do this as homework, so to speak. And...

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (19:49)

Karen Walker Cohn (19:51)
Their thinking is, I just don't understand how this is helping me. So when either did it start helping you? Like what made the difference for you?

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (19:56)

Yeah, the first step honestly was the piece was yoga, actually, because it was my, and I'm not saying everyone has to go out and do yoga, but the piece within the yoga was reconnecting to myself. So it was the not looking to the outside for answers and really getting to know who am I inside.

What are the emotions that I'm feeling? What are the thoughts? What are the beliefs that I have about myself, about the world, about everything? What am I feeling physically in my body? And what yoga did for me was it gave me that, it was like a moving meditation that I had never experienced before, where I could tune in to where things felt funny in my body. I could feel it. And I could feel when I was in a challenging pose and I wanted to get out of it. And that...

and it was like, what do I do in those situations? And you can't just, I mean, you can just break the pose, but what if you lean into that discomfort for a little bit? What if you sit with that, that little tweak of like, I don't wanna hold it anymore, I can't hold it anymore. And you're actually holding it. And then afterwards you're like, wow, I just did that. And I was with myself the entire way. So yoga really brought me this presence.

Karen Walker Cohn (21:05)
Right, right.

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (21:23)
And that was kind of the beginning aspect of it where I started to meditate. I started to connect with my mind and my body. And through that process, I was also going through a lot of health issues personally. So it was imperative for me to get to know my body because I was eating whatever I wanted. I was, you know, I had...

Karen Walker Cohn (21:28)

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (21:47)
a lot of restrictive dieting habits over exercising and trying again, looking to the outside, trying to find that quick fix to lose weight and have more muscle or whatever I was trying to do at the time. It was just like a constant looking outside of me to fix things. And I was really sick. I had low thyroid function. I had gut issues. I ended up going to the hospital.

Karen Walker Cohn (22:01)

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (22:17)
because I was like, I don't know what's wrong. I don't know what's going on. And the doctor was like, well, you have IBS. So here's the medication, go on this medication. And I was like, no, I was like 25 at the time. I'm like, I am not going to just be on IBS medication for the rest of my life. And so I was seeking alternative support. So I went to a naturopath and was able to, through that, and...

working through some nutrition stuff, was able to really heal my body on a physical level in conjunction with this meditation and coming back and really paying attention to my body so much so that I decided to become a nutritionist. And so I went back to school after going through business school and I became a holistic nutritionist. And through that, it opened up this whole other side of mindset.

of spirituality, of the energy bodies, of all of these different systems that really opened up my mind to new possibilities. And it just got me thinking a little bit more to, okay, maybe my connection to myself or to whatever is, you know, whatever this universe, whatever life means, is something that I haven't even thought of yet.

Karen Walker Cohn (23:23)

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (23:43)
And so that just continued me down this path of, if I can tap into myself and what's going on and through meditation, what is in that space for me? What becomes available in that container? And as I started meditating and as I started asking questions and...

journaling a lot. There was a lot of journaling that happened. Like I've got like stacks of journals that are just filled and filled and filled of things. I started getting answers. Things started to come to me. So much so that it was bringing things up from my past and I was working through things. I decided to do a mentorship with a spiritual healer.

Karen Walker Cohn (24:11)


Katherine Peloso Smith ` (24:34)
And through that mentorship, it really solidified for me a lot of my intuitive gifts and my connection with God too, because it opened up this channel for me to be able to speak directly to what is spirit for me. And that was all through coming back to myself, tapping into that.

and opening up the different pathways and paying attention to the messages that were being sent. Because we're all being sent messages all the time. There's signs coming in. We are being communicated with constantly. It's just whether or not we're open to it and whether or not we are recognizing it and what are we doing with them? Yeah.

Karen Walker Cohn (25:18)
Mm-hmm. Yeah. That was a huge awareness for me too. I would come out when I started going through my healing process and the same. If you're listening and watching, do not sleep on that mind, body, spirit connection. I do so much somatic work with my clients. I am amazed at how...

like the messages that our body holds onto that can inform our spirit man, our soul. Like for me, soul is the mind will emotions. So how that is so informative. And I have seen my client shift, like have a revelation in just a second because of that body connection. And in fact, I'm...

working on writing a book right now called The Old Man and the Queen based on my experience of how I felt as an old man in my body and how my body looked like a little old man hunched over and playing small and the queen when I recognized who I was and who I wanted to be. And so shifting, I'm just saying that for people listening, get connected with your body.

it will inform your mind will emotions. So I appreciate that you share about yoga because I do have a lot of people who have a perspective on yoga and it's this, it's that, the other thing. And that was what first I went to very intrepid about it. Like I went...

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (26:52)

Karen Walker Cohn (27:13)
I had a lot of doubts about going and a lot of fears about going because raised in, you know, Protestant church in a Christian background, yoga was demonic. And so I still said yes, and I chose to go because I had that curiosity. I'm curious about all this. And I know who I am, and I know whose I am. So that it just got to a point where it just didn't know that's okay. And so I went.

And it's the first time I started seeing auras, I started seeing colors, I started all these things and I didn't know what it was, I had no idea. I just knew that I was tapping into something deeper and it was the most amazing experience. And that has opened my spirit to receive these intuitive, beautiful, intuitive messages that people are like,

How did you know that about me or whatever it is? It's, I believe messages from the Holy Spirit and to be able to speak into somebody's life and be able to share. How has that developed for you?

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (28:28)
Mm-hmm. Yeah. It's really interesting because, you know, the messages have been coming through my entire life. And I actually just recorded my own podcast on this too, because I was reflecting on all of those very significant moments that I will never forget. They're there forever. Where messages came through that was just so, you know, serendipitous

like a presence there or something else as guidance. And throughout my whole life, it was just, they were interesting to me. I thought it was really cool. And I didn't really think too much of it at the time. But it's funny also because I've gone to see psychics and mediums before and I just thought what they do is the-

coolest thing and I had so much envy. I was always like, oh, this is so cool. Like they're so special. Like they got a special gift on their, on this earth, like lucky them, you know? And little did I know that as I started to meditate and create this connection with spirit, it just started to open up. All of these messages just became so much more clear.

When I took the actual time to devote myself to a practice, it changed everything. And it was like, I would meditate here and there, once a week or when it felt right. But when I started to make a commitment to it and really speak the words clearly and confidently, that's when things started to.

happen. And it was almost like this light switch that was flipped where all of a sudden I was working with my coaching clients and stuff was just coming through. Just like, it was like waves of information of like how would I have ever known that? I was starting to see images. I was getting words like in bold.

things were just being downloaded as thoughts in my brain out of nowhere. And then shortly after that, I started to experience the presence of other souls who have passed. And so it was really incredible, which that had happened to me in the past through dreams. I used to have people sometimes come through in dreams, but this was like in the moment while I was on a coaching call, I'm like, wow.

This is incredible. Yeah.

Karen Walker Cohn (31:21)
Mine comes through in dreams. I haven't had that experience where I'm like awake and it's happened. But yeah, mine is through dreams for sure. All my entire life actually. I just didn't like you. I wasn't really aware. I didn't think much. It's a dream, right? And everybody has that. And then, you know, I'll say, oh, I had this dream last night and you know, it was specifically about you. And this is how I felt in the dream. And would ask a question.

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (31:30)

Karen Walker Cohn (31:52)
How? Oh, so the minute that for me, I started trusting that and going, oh, that is from God. That is a message from God. Like...

The more and more I trusted myself, it tightened my connection with God, trusting Him. Because I'm sorry, I just do not, my experience is I could not trust God without trusting myself. Again, it's this reaching on the outside of me, looking for that trust, like put that in me. No, it's already there from that place.

the messages come from that place. And then when you speak out on them, oh my gosh, I remember feeling, you could speak to this, but I know I felt like, am I crazy? I kept asking that, like, is that pure craziness? Is that thinking that, oh my gosh, is it like, and I talk about this on other podcasts, the God on one side, the devil on the other, and...

is that a message from the devil? Is that a message from God? And then I realized, oh, it's, there is, when I say, and I've got flack for this before, so when I say there is no devil, and I said there is no devil, it's just not, I am, me and God are one, and I'm so far above with God that the devil's not even a thought in my mind. It's just like an, like,

Oh, oh yeah, whatever. But we're way out here doing amazing things. So, you know, and yeah. So I don't talk about that a lot other than like I'd rather talk about God and the amazing things we're doing. So yeah, like I started to feel crazy. That's the only way I can explain it.

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (33:56)
Yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about because that was the piece. It was that was the light switch. It was all of a sudden I decided to trust myself and speak on it. And so when I was in my coaching session, so when I was acting as a nutritionist, I would work with my clients and I would get these messages and I would never say anything because I felt like it was going beyond.

Karen Walker Cohn (34:07)
Wow. Yeah.

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (34:22)
you know, my scope of practice a little bit. And like a lot of the time it was information that I don't know that they were ready to receive or that they wanted to receive from me as someone who's just giving them diet plans and things like that. So it was a lot more deep. And I was like, this is what I want to be doing. This is actually what I want to be sharing with people. And so I switched into spiritual coaching and intuitive guidance. And then as I like made that commitment

Karen Walker Cohn (34:34)

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (34:52)
this is what I'm doing, I'm trusting that this is what I'm here to do. It was like this, it's like I signed this agreement with God where it's just like, all right, here's your certification and now here you go. And it was that trust. It was like, I'm going to receive this information and then I'm gonna relay it to my clients or whoever I'm receiving it for, confidently that this is something that is meant for them and their highest good in this moment.

And when I started to do that and I received the feedback and the resonance and people saying like, wow, I just relate to that so much, or that's exactly how I've been feeling, or how would you have known that? It was just that like reassurance that yes, I am on the right path and it just continued to build that trust and build that more and more and more. And that is exactly the piece. And it's like, you have to kind of get out of your comfort zone and make that commitment to yourself.

and follow through with it, take that intentional action. And more and more over time, you build that trust and then it kind of solidifies it. And you're like, okay, yeah.

Karen Walker Cohn (36:03)
Yeah, you just basically gave the formula for life right there. Right? You know, like the reason why I haven't, I didn't start this podcast, the reason why it took so long to start my books, the reason why it's taking so long to start my production company is because I didn't trust myself, didn't have the confidence like that the messages would come and that I would know, you know, I would take the first step.

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (36:07)
Thank you.


Karen Walker Cohn (36:34)
and believe or not even believe, I would know that the next step is right behind it and just keep going. And so it's that fear that holds us back and the lack of trust. And so, yeah, that to me, I think what you just said is like just the whole formula for anything that you, all those dreams that you have on your heart, which by the way are intuitively given, are given by like those were planted in you.

and don't sleep on them. Like, go for it. Like, you were meant to do what that thing is on your heart and only you.

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (37:16)
Yeah, yeah. Oh my gosh. It's funny. That just brings up a story that I've been thinking a lot about lately. And I created this program a long time ago called the High Vibes Only Club. And I did this weekend retreat and I was sitting as I am a nutritionist and I was kind of leaving from that space. And so I brought in a yoga instructor for this. It was an online retreat. So we did

some yoga and then I also brought in this woman that I really connected closely with who is a psychic medium who does meditations and she came in to host a meditation and I asked her I remember having this conversation with her saying could you record some meditations for me for my program. Thinking back about it right now I still can't even believe that I had asked somebody else to do that for my own program but in the moment I was like I can't record.

meditations. I can't like write meditation. I don't even know where to start. I don't know what I'm doing. Like this is crazy. So I'm like, I definitely need someone else to do it. And she said to me, she was like, I will write out a script for you, but I want you to record them yourself. And I was like, what? This is insane. And I was like, okay, she's really like pushing me out of my comfort zone here. And I was pissed at first. I was like,

I just like, I just want you to do it for me. But I wanted this piece. It was really important to me. I really wanted these meditations for my program. And she said, you know what? You're gonna do this yourself one day. So you gotta learn how to do it. And I was like, okay. Fast forward three years later, and this is like, this is what I do. I record meditations. I record activations constantly. I do it in group.

Karen Walker Cohn (38:45)
Yeah, yeah.


and are you teaching others? Ha ha.

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (39:10)
Not yet, but that's what's coming down the line. Actually, I'm planning, I'm like, I'm gonna create how to record your own meditations, how to do that because I think, yeah, if I hadn't had her, but it's that exactly what you said. It's like, if you have this on your heart, if this is something that is lighting you up that's important to you, there's a reason for that. And it's because you're meant to do it yourself. You're meant to do action. It's going to be part of your path.

Karen Walker Cohn (39:19)
You're right.


Katherine Peloso Smith ` (39:39)
and what you create because it's just, it's coming. It's inevitable. It's part of your evolution.

Karen Walker Cohn (39:43)
Yeah. Yes. And it's okay to leverage someone who's, you know, two steps ahead of you, someone who you could follow. And it's okay to do all that too, while you're learning. Because, I mean, I don't want people to hear that, oh, well, I used, you know, I hired this person and blah, blah. And I didn't want to, because I didn't want to do it myself. And because there's, I've had, I've been able during this.

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (39:59)
I'm sorry.

Karen Walker Cohn (40:11)
season in my life over the past year. Well, it's been actually less than a year. It's been since November of last year. So whatever six months where I'm like full force, like I'm doing all the things that, you know, I just finally trust myself wholeheartedly and I can do these things. And you mentioned a couple things. It doesn't have to look away and it doesn't have to be hard.

And I'm just going through the like the same thing, just saying, okay, I can leverage people who have done this before. And thankful. I'm so thankful for that girl who said to you, yes, and you will also get to do it. So yeah, I mean, I started this podcast, I had no clue. I leveraged someone to help me start it.

And then January, I started doing it myself. I'm like, I get to learn how to do this too. And I'm still learning. And I'm now transitioning into teaching what it is that I know. It's such an amazing circle.

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (41:21)
Yeah. Isn't it beautiful? I love it. Yeah. And it's so great. And I love that you call it the leveraging because I see it as like, I had a mentor one time call it like expanders. So you have people who are expanding what's possible because if they can do it, you can do it too. There's like infinite possibilities. And so when you have these people that you're like, wow.

Karen Walker Cohn (41:23)
It's so beautiful.


Oh yes.

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (41:48)
I see what they're doing or like, I really wish I could do that. It's because you have it on your heart. It's because it's something that you're maybe already doing in another timeline. If you believe in that kind of stuff. And so it's like, that is, you might be looking at your future self or seeing your future self instead of seeing it as like, I wish I could do that. It's like, okay, I'm going to see this person as an expander. I'm going to look at how are they doing it? What are they doing? I'm going to learn from them.

and I'm gonna put that into action for myself and know that it's already possible, like it's already truth. And so you can just kind of step into that. Yeah.

Karen Walker Cohn (42:25)
Good. Yeah. Well, you have already left us so many wisdom nuggets. My last question is, if there's one message that you could send to the viewer, the listener today, what would it be?

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (42:43)
Hmm. Just one.

Karen Walker Cohn (42:47)
Yeah, that's what they're like, well, what happened? Tune in, what spirit giving you?

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (42:53)
Yeah, yeah, I think honestly, and I kind of already touched on this too, but if there's one thing that you can start to do today, even is take five minutes to just tune in to yourself. Just just like take that if it's first thing in the morning, if it's right before you go to bed, just be with yourself for a second. Not on your phone, not with your kids, not with you know.

other people that you work with just with you. And like, if you feel called to write things down, do that too, write down, how am I feeling in this moment? What am I thinking in this moment? What am I feeling physically in my body? And just take that short little time, do that for one week every single day, and just see what happens. Yeah.

Karen Walker Cohn (43:45)
That's so powerful. And for those of you thinking, oh, okay, well, I don't know what difference that will make, but okay, I promise you, do it. It will make a huge, huge difference in your life. I have this, it's called a mindfulness bell and I get it to ring once an hour randomly. So I don't ever know when it's gonna ring. And that thing rings on my phone.

And it is my time when I hear it to tune in and think about what I'm thinking about. It's a practice that has brought me so much revelation, perspective shift. I mean, when you get a new perspective, it's because you hear something from a different way. It causes a revelation. It is

It really taps into, and I keep hearing, renew your mind. This is a phrase that has kind of been coming in, in and out, weaved in. So I get to say it, renew your mind. And this is a way to do that. So thank you for sharing that little, that tool, that tip. And I'd love to hear in the comments from the listeners and also,

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (44:46)


Karen Walker Cohn (45:09)
with Katherine, I will drop everything in the show notes like I always do, all the connection to Katherine. And I'd love to hear in the show notes the wisdom nuggets you took away from this, what you're choosing to shift into. And even if it's a couple of weeks from now, I'd love to hear back, oh, yeah, I took this tool and this is what I did with it. And this is the revelations I had. I mean, we want to hear it all.

Yes, make sure you subscribe if you're not already subscribed. And Katherine, tell us a little bit about, I just want people to tune into your, you also have a podcast, which is, it is so good. And you also, so the, just tell us a little bit about, you know, your podcast and your programs.

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (45:52)
I'm sorry.

Yeah, for sure. So my podcast is called Tuning In. Perfect. It's the ultimate intuitive lifestyle podcast. So we talk all about connecting with ourselves, all the spiritual woo stuff. We get into a lot about how to build your intuition, how to strengthen your intuition and what that even looks like, what it means, how to bring it into your life. I have guests on every once in a while, but it's mostly just

Karen Walker Cohn (46:10)

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (46:33)
me talking about things that are going on and happening. And yeah, it's a lot of fun. So you can check it out everywhere you listen to your podcasts as well. Yeah. And right now, so I have a few things coming down the line that I haven't quite announced yet. So I have to keep those a little hush hush, but I do offer one-on-one soul sessions. So if you're interested, if you're like, okay, I'm kind of into what she's talking about, I'd love to

see what could be possible. I offer free discovery calls and you can chat and see if my services would be in alignment for you. But my one-on-one soul sessions are used and created using my mind body spirit method. So I incorporate energy medicine healing as well as my own intuition and connection with spirit, spiritual coaching.

as well as a little bit of holistic nutrition in there too. So I like to bring a physical aspect to everything, like to ground things as well. And so I use that to just provide guidance and coaching and assistance for whatever it is that you're working through right now in life.

Karen Walker Cohn (47:31)

Perfect. Well, thank you so much for being here. This has probably been, like I would say, like I've had a lot of great conversations, but this was one of my favorite. I just felt so, excuse me. I don't know, I was going, I went into it joyful, expected and excited to speak to you. It's just, it's even the intuitive way, I think in which we met.

and connected and I'll share more about that, you know, in the introduction. But that was just so beautiful for me. You know what, why can't I share about it now? It was in a reel. It was in a reel and for me, for the listeners to know that, you know, I was that woman, I would say, in a back corner, in a back room thinking that

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (48:23)
Yeah, let's totally talk about it. Good.

Karen Walker Cohn (48:38)
no one knew that I was there and no one was coming. And I, it was that fight inside of me where the thing that I was created for, I was meant to be seen, I was meant to be out front. And that scared me so much that I would run away and hide.

and I would be the one hiding in this back room, yet I really wanted to be seen. I wanted my voice to be heard. And I am still, I found my voice, I'm still learning how to use it. So even in these conversations, Katherine, I still get a dry throat, I still get a lump in the throat. This is why I have the water, because it's like this chakra, this energy area gets to be cleared and

Grounding and centering for me is so helpful and I know that it's gonna go away. I know that it's gonna be gone I just get to keep practicing using it, but it's almost like the body is going Remember you need to hide you need to hide like it's that muscle memory coming back. And so I was sharing on with on another podcast and I just clipped a reel about You know nobody coming to get you

thinking that no one's coming to get you. And we as coaches, I mean, myself included, I was like, you get to save yourself. No one's coming to save you. And I realized like in that, I said it and then the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, you're coming, you're going in the back room and grabbing people out of there. I'm sending you, you're my hands and feet. I'm sending you to save them.

I sent Jesus, I sent like, you know, whatever that belief system is for you. But for me, it's like, he was sent to save as well as I'm now sending you, I'm sending Katherine, I'm sending, there's multiple people that are being sent into that back room to save you. So if you're listening today and you know, you're thinking, well, we talked about it, leveraging other people who's maybe on the journey, a few steps ahead of you.

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (50:31)
You know what I mean?

Karen Walker Cohn (50:58)
until you get your feet under you, I get to practice my voice until I, you know, got my voice under me. And I'm no longer, you know, crackling or coughing or doing all the things. So, yeah, that's how we met. And for some reason that kind of hit you and you ended up doing a podcast about it, which was like such a beautiful podcast too. And I, of course, tuned in and I was like, oh,

That's what it's all about. Inspiring one another, helping others to see things in a new light and sharing that with others. I feel like that's what coming back to love is and that's what you do as well.

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (51:43)
Yeah, yeah, I loved that reel that you posted. And again, it just popped up on my Instagram and I saw it. And I was like, wow, I really, that just inspired me so much, so much to create my own podcast episode about it. And I was, I tagged you in it and I was like, I don't know if she'll listen or like what, but this is where I'm at. And it's just that further proof or that further confirmation that.

that we're so intertwined and we're all connected and we're all here to support each other, just like what that reel was all about and what that message was all about. You're not here alone. You're not doing it alone. As much as yes, we have to take responsibility for ourselves, we don't have to do it alone. We can leverage other people. We can call in that support and that's part of taking responsibility.

Karen Walker Cohn (52:23)

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (52:39)
That is part of taking that action is like knowing that you don't have to struggle. It doesn't have to be hard. And we can do this and we can support each other and we can lift each other up because we're not living here all by ourselves.

Karen Walker Cohn (52:39)

Right. Yeah.

Yeah. So that was a perfect message there. And I know it because my dogs are barking. We talked about this before. I said, you know, like when they get riled up, it's like something starts happening and see they're going nuts now. Dogs are barking. They've been quiet this whole time. And when I say that, I literally don't mean my feet. You can hear them. Oh.

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (53:01)
They like it.

No, I'm good.

Karen Walker Cohn (53:21)
Well, thank you so much for being here and just having you here has been such a joy and I love this conversation.

Katherine Peloso Smith ` (53:24)
Thank you.

It's been such a great conversation. Thank you so much, Karen. I am like, I'm so excited to see where our connection goes in the future too. Yeah, thanks so much for having me.

Karen Walker Cohn (53:35)
Me too, me too. Thank you.

Karen Walker Cohn (The KLW Project Group) (53:40)
Thank you so much for listening to today's episode of Coming Back to Love, the podcast. If you enjoyed what you heard, please make sure to click the link in the description to take you to the full video episode on our YouTube channel. If you absolutely love what we're about, please follow us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and leave us a review. For more inspiration and resources, visit my website at karenwalkercohn .com.

where you'll find all the ways you can connect with me. I would love to hear your suggestions for topics, questions, and future guests you'd like to hear from to support your coming back to love journey. In the meantime, have an inspiring rest of your day.

Tuning In to Your Inner Guidance with Katherine Peloso Smith
Broadcast by