Tuning In to Your Inner Guidance with Katherine Peloso Smith


Katherine's Signature “Tuning In Practice” Freebie includes the workbook and guided meditation to help you connect with yourself on all levels of your being start strengthening your Intuition.

The conversation explores the theme of coming back to love and shifting perspectives. Katherine shares her personal journey of realizing that she is love and can generate love for herself. This realization led to a ripple effect of building self-worth, confidence, and love for others. Both Katherine and Karen discuss their experiences with organized religion and how they found their own spiritual connections outside of traditional practices. They emphasize the importance of connecting with oneself and listening to intuitive messages. Yoga and meditation played significant roles in their journeys of self-discovery and healing. In this conversation, Katherine Peloso Smith and Karen Walker Cohn discuss their experiences with intuition and trusting themselves. They share how they receive intuitive messages, whether through dreams or in awake moments, and how they have learned to trust and act on these messages. They emphasize the importance of tuning in to oneself and taking time for self-reflection. They also discuss the power of leveraging the knowledge and experiences of others who are further along on their journey. The conversation highlights the importance of trusting oneself and taking intentional action to follow one's intuition.

Coming back to love involves realizing that love is within oneself and can be generated.
Connecting with oneself and listening to intuitive messages is essential for personal growth and healing.
Organized religion may not resonate with everyone, and it's important to find one's own spiritual connection.
Yoga and meditation can be powerful tools for self-discovery and healing. Tune in to yourself and take time for self-reflection.
Trust your intuition and act on the messages you receive.
Leverage the knowledge and experiences of others who are further along on their journey.
Take intentional action to follow your intuition and pursue your passions.
Tuning In to Your Inner Guidance with Katherine Peloso Smith
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