Feedback with Grace: Building Stronger Connection with Melissa Braga

Melissa shares her experience of coming back to love and recognizing the importance of giving herself grace. She talks about the journey of growth and learning and how stepping out of her comfort zone led to a realization of self-love. Melissa discusses how reading the Bible and developing a relationship with God and Jesus has helped her in her healing process. She emphasizes the importance of pouring from a full cup and loving oneself in order to pour into others. Melissa's message to listeners is to give themselves grace, believe in the greatness others see in them, and choose joy and positivity. The conversation explores the themes of self-acceptance, feedback, and personal growth. Karen and Melissa discuss the importance of shining their light and giving themselves permission to be authentic. They emphasize the need to separate one's actions from their identity and to listen to feedback from a place of love. They also touch on the power of words and body language in shaping one's self-perception. Melissa shares her experience with muscle testing and the role it plays in her work.

Recognize the importance of giving yourself grace and love.
Stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to growth and self-discovery.
Developing a relationship with God and reading the Bible can provide healing and guidance.
Pour from a full cup by loving and taking care of yourself.
Choose joy and positivity in order to spread light and inspire others. Give yourself permission to shine and be authentic.
Separate your actions from your identity.
Listen to feedback from a place of love.
Choose empowering words and use body language to shift your energy.
Muscle testing can provide valuable insights in personal growth work.

Sound Bites
  • "Coming back to love is recognizing, giving myself grace."
  • "I'm still learning to love myself every day."
  • "You can't pour from an empty cup."
  • "When I shine, other people want to get in that light."
Giving Yourself Grace and Self-Love
Choosing Joy and Spreading Light
The Value of Feedback and Discernment
Separating Identity from Actions
The Power of Words and Energy
Feedback with Grace: Building Stronger Connection with Melissa Braga
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