Choosing To Save My Own Life with Andrea Seiler

Andrea shares her experience of going through a dark night of the soul and the process of coming back to love. She had to unravel her life experiences and childhood trauma to find out who she truly was. During this process, she fell out of love with everyone and had to choose to save her own life. Coming back to love meant redefining what it meant for her and learning self-compassion. Andrea emphasizes the importance of authenticity, using your voice, and loving yourself.

Going through a dark night of the soul involves unraveling life experiences and childhood trauma to find one's true self.
Coming back to love requires choosing to save one's own life and redefining what love means.
Self-compassion is essential for loving others, and it starts with loving oneself.
Authenticity involves being 100% yourself, believing what you believe, feeling what you feel, and saying what needs to be said.
Using your voice and expressing yourself authentically can lead to healing and save lives.

Coming Back to Love: Rediscovering Self-Love and Compassion
Navigating Shifting Relationships
Embracing Authenticity and Using Your Voice
The Healing Power of Writing and Self-Expression
Choosing To Save My Own Life with Andrea Seiler
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