Unlocking That "Thing" Inside with Taylor Morgan


In this conversation, Karen and Taylor explore the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding their lives and allowing them to be their authentic selves. Taylor shares her perspective on coming into love rather than trying to go back to a previous version of herself. They discuss the significance of making choices that bring joy and fulfillment, even if they go against societal expectations. Taylor also shares her journey of starting a podcast and the impact of relationships in her life. The main takeaway from the conversation is to reflect on the relationships in your life and ensure they are serving and energizing you. This conversation explores the power of relationships, the blessing of networking, surrendered manifestation, being on purpose, letting go of expectations, finding fulfillment in purpose, and discerning God's calling.

Allow the Holy Spirit to guide your life
Focus on coming into love rather than going back to a previous version of yourself
Make choices that bring joy and fulfillment
Start a podcast and overcome challenges
Reflect on the relationships in your life and ensure they are serving and energizing you Relationships can lead to unexpected connections and opportunities.
Networking is not overrated and can be a blessing in disguise.
Surrendered manifestation allows for a more fulfilling and energizing journey.
Being on purpose and following God's lead brings clarity and peace.
Letting go of expectations can create space for authentic connections.
Finding fulfillment in purpose is more important than constantly chasing new goals.
Discerning God's calling requires self-reflection and surrender.
Unlocking That "Thing" Inside with Taylor Morgan
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